Very simply we believe:

Jesus is. Was. And will forever be King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Savior of this world. We believe He is the only begotten son of God and He was born of a virgin (Mary). We believe He came to this Earth to redeem man from the curse of sin that was brought into the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and fell for the deception of satan. 

Jesus became sin and that ALL sin has been paid for by His supreme sacrifice of being beaten mercilessly and then crucified on the cross where He died for - and in place of - each and every human on this planet. 

God is not mad at us and loves us more than we can imagine and sometimes even accept.  We believe that if we will surrender our lives to Him to the best of our ability, at whatever stage of our journey happen to be in, that He will make up for our shortcomings and continue to help us be all we are created to be and do what we are created to do. 

Jesus rose from the dead three days after His crucifixion and walked this earth for 40 days revealing Himself to His disciples and others before ascending to heaven. We believe He currently makes intercession for us and will return to this earth for a second time at the appointed hour when God sends Him to bring His bride (true believers) home to heaven. 

The Bible is inerrant, infallible, living, active and sharper than a two-edged sword and will not return void. We believe that when our minds are renewed to what God says in His word that our daily lives change.  We believe there is more than what we see, taste, hear or feel  and we accept by faith that the Holy Spirit will direct us how to live an abundant and victorious life,

All gifts of The Holy Spirit and we believe that we are able to do what Jesus did and more because we KNOW HIM and it is His will for us to operate in one or more of these gifts to witness of Him in this world. 

Jesus blood paid for all sin, once and for all. We believe that His blood protects us. We believe there is power in the blood and nothing can come against it. 

We can never be too far gone and that looking up and asking Jesus for help and/or salvation is all that is needed in any situation. From that point on, change happens. 

God loves every one of us and He would not want any of us to perish. It is His sincere desire that we all have an abundant life and eternal security. 

We can, as The Word states, demolish every high and lofty thought that sets itself against the knowledge of God. We can choose to think on good things, honorable things, things of good report.    
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